Thanks to players like you letting your creativity, and competitive spirit shine, the world of Esotera is as expansive as ever! See below for the latest Esoterix Anomalies to add to your next session of gameplay!
Betrayal - Trade a random card with an opponent.
Light – Each players builds a hand from a single Archetype
Dark – Opponent choose which archetype to build a hand
Destiny - Cards are played from the top of the deck.
Fate - Opponents decide the order in which you play.
Cascade - captured cards can cause other cards to capture
Chaos – When playing a card discard remaining hand, and draw a full hand
Order – Players may choose to discard cards from their hand to draw from the deck
Balance - Cards clashing with the same numbers capture.
Stagnate – Cards that are already on the board can capture cards that are placed adjacent. Any other capturing still occurs
Stasis – All cards must be played facing the same direction
Gravity Well - once per round each player may roll, or otherwise determine, a side of the board. All cards in play must move towards that side, maintaining orientation.
Wormhole - Once per round, swap the location of 2 cards owned by the same player, maintaining orientation
Doppelganger - Once per round, a player may replace a card on the board, controlled by the same player, while maintaining orientation from their hand. The replaced card is removed from the board in the current round.
False prophet - The first card played in the round, by either player, can only be capture by a value of "9" or greater.
Hidden Truth - The first card played in the round, by either player, can only be captured by a value of "2" or lesser.
Surrounded - players cannot play on the corner squares until 2 other spaces have been played
Fortified - players must play in 1 of the corner squares for their first turn of the round
Growth - when you play a card, choose a card that shares an archetype. That card gets +1 to all values for the rest of the round
Decay - when you play a card, choose a card of a different archetype. That card gets -1 to all values for the rest of the round
Confusion - Once per round you may rotate one opponent card's orientation, before placing your own
Terror - Once per round, your opponent may choose to change the orientation of the card you just placed, potentially preventing a capture
Blessing - Each player may draw a card at the beginning of their turn, for the duration of the round
Curse - Each player must discard and draw a card at the beginning of the turn, including the their first turnb, for the duration of the round
Intermission - Instead of starting with a full hand, players draw half the number of cards, rounded up, for their first turn, and draw 1 card at the start of their turn for the remainder of the round